Social interaction is beneficial for both wellbeing and sharing experiences of everyday life living with Parkinson’s. Groups can offer support, information and friendship for people with Parkinson’s as well as their partners, carers or loved ones.
Regular exercise classes provide a fantastic opportunity for social support and interaction in an environment that is dynamic, challenging and fun, targeting symptoms head on through specialist input.

Mondays, 10:00 - 11:00
Thursdays, 13:00 - 14:00
St. Peter's Baptist Church, Eden Close, Worcester WR5 3TZ
£3.50 per session
A safe to exercise form MUST be completed prior to attending - please contact Joanna Eastough via email or our call back service on 07448 027 048 for further details

Led by Joanna Eastough, Parkinson's Specialist Physiotherapist
From our members:
“… an exceptionally well-run group… Great credit is due to Jo for giving us a shaft of sunshine in these difficult times.” - Eddie
“… varied, interesting and challenging... there is always a "chat" session at the end of the session so for those of us who are shielding it’s a godsend to see the real world. Highly recommended.” - Brian
“Joanna always takes a lot of trouble to explain why we do certain exercises. She is always very encouraging, and she makes everyone welcome.” - Tony
“Joanna is friendly, enthusiastic, motivating and professional… The members of the group are not all able to exercise at the same level, but Joanna's encouragement and suggested alternative movements enables you to feel you can either push yourself or at least maintain your comfort level for a bit longer.” - Inta
“… it is quite a sociable class and we have a giggle at nearly every [session]… [Jo] takes great pride in what she does and has a fantastic knowledge of exercise to help all the Movers and Shakers…” - Colin

Joanna Eastough - Parkinson's Specialist Physiotherapist with 13 years experience of treating people with Parkinson's
Lisa Stone - Yoga teacher with over 20 years experience
Droitwich - Tuesday 12:00 - 13:00; The Music Box at Sunnyhill, Sunnyhill House, Stoke Road, Wychbold, Droitwich, WR9 0BT
Refreshments available to purchase after the session from the venue owner with the opportunity to chat over a cuppa.
FREE Taster session
£150 - block of ten sessions
£5 per session subsidy if a member of Parkinson's UK Worcester and District Branch! Further discounts available for partners / carers.
A safe to exercise form MUST be completed prior to attending - please contact us for details

From our members
“I was a complete novice to Yoga… I think that I attend practically every session … Joanna Eastough is a qualified physiotherapist who specialises in Parkinson’s related exercising and Lisa Stone is an experienced Yoga teacher. They both have a pleasant but persuasive way of pushing you that little bit further! " - Mike

Are you affected by a neurological condition? Do you have an interest in football? Do you want to keep socially and physically active?
Every Wednesday, 10:30am - 12:30pm
Worcester County Sports Ground, WR3 7SS
FREE taster session, then £40 per month or £10 per session for occasional players.
This is a brand new opportunity for Worcester, welcoming those affected by neurological conditions, from Parkinson's to those recovering from a stroke. We are building a community through sport to keep people physically and socially active.
Please contact
Parkinson's UK Redditch Branch exercise class led by Joanna Eastough
1st Wednesday of the month, 14:30 - 15:30
Oakenshaw Community Centre, Castleditch Lane, Redditch, B98 7YB
£3.50 per session, pay as you participate
This is a dynamic class catering for both seated and standing participants. It incorporates strength, balance, flexibility, and moderate intensity aerobic exercises.
A safe to exercise form MUST be completed prior to attending - please contact Joanna Eastough via email or our call back service on 07448 027 048 for further details
Parkinson's UK Malvern Exercise Class
Weekly on Fridays – 10:30 to 12:00
Christchurch Hall, Avenue Rd, Malvern WR14 3AY.
£3.50 per session, pay as you participate
A friendly exercise class for people with Parkinson’s plus the opportunity to have a
cuppa and chat afterwards.
Jenny – 07980 459874
Joanna –
A safe to exercise form MUST be completed prior to attending - please contact Joanna Eastough via email or our call back service on 07448 027 048 for further details
Group exercise classes currently take place throughout the week for people with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s.
Classes are informed by the latest research and strive to positively combat symptoms. Following diagnosis, people are told to “stay active” however it is difficult to know exactly what to do.
At Box Positive each exercise & activity is clinically reasoned to target various motor and non-motor symptoms. Charles aims to maximise a person's ability to carry out everyday tasks independently. Exercises are graded to the person’s ability and can be completed from seated or standing. Sessions are goal directed and performance is measured so that people can monitor their own progress each week.
The classes are both physically and cognitively challenging, but laughter and fun is key!
Live sessions at Droitwich Amateur Boxing Club:
Tuesdays at 10AM
Sessions are 45 minutes in duration.
Contact for more information.